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Applications of Spider Venom & The Fallacy of LIPID METABOLISM in Cardiovascular Complications.

Updated: May 17, 2023

Researching how Spider Venom leads to death shows that it does not actually appear to be a neurotoxin as previously suggested. Disturbance of voltage gated ion channels and mineral/ calcium efflux/influx leads to muscle contracture causing tetany. Normally such events will happen in the wild so people will have a delay in seeking medical attention, which sustained muscular contracture will lead to rhabdomyolosis and acute kidney injury. Staph aureus and other pathogens can enter via the bite wound leading to cellulitis, and sepsis (1) Spider Venom interestingly contains two substances that may have profound applications in medicine and the military: Syringomyelinase and Alpha-latratoxin. Alpha-latratoxin causes intravascular haemolysis which could have inherent value as an alternative to thrombolysis. One may be able to negate the need for angioplasty/PCI in the event of unstable angina/MI. Alpha-latratoxin is reported to prevent tumour growth. (2)(3)(4) Syringomyelin is the lipid biolayer in the myelin sheath and also forms part of inner vessels. Excess Syringomyelinase will break down the myelin sheath. Syringomyelinase breaks down syringomyelin to form ceramides and phosphate-1 Acid Syringomyelinase Deficiency leads to non alcoholic fatty disease of the liver and spleen, by way of fatty deposits in the form of ceramides. However Alcoholic Liver Disease can produce fatty liver disease from accumulation of ceramides from drinking alcohol. One application would be to try to use ceramidase to metabolise the fatty liver deposits (5) You need LDL from cholesterol to build all steroid hormones in your body and to build the myelin sheath. Therefore statins because they lower LDL will cause people to get MS and other degenerative diseases. (6) Ceramides cause CVD Inc type 2 diabetes. Ceramides are unnatural ie. Synthetic and are described as a waxy lipid found in vegetables, rice, crustaceans, all vegetable oils including hydrogenated and trans fatty acids (7). The Cosmetic industry are completely wrong in saying that 50% of the skin is made up of ceramides because ceramides are synthetic. There is no fat in the epidermis and dermis, which underneath lies the subcutaneous fat, connective tissue then musculature. You cannot absorb fat/lipids let alone ceramides topically, all that will pervail is an oily film or residue over the skin that traps dead skin and sebum causing acne/blocked hair follicles. Ceramides lead to atherosclerosis and inflammation but ceramides are not found in animal and butter/dairy fats. Ceramides also promote carcinogenesis particularly of the GI tract, eg. Bowel cancer. This evidences that vegan/vegetarian diets do not cure cancer or prevent/reverse cardiovascular disease, they do the opposite. A genetic test for the ASAH1 gene will confer whether one can eat vegetables and vegetable oils to aid if people can be on a vegan or vegetarian diet without ill effects. In those already suffering from CVD complications, the application of ceramidase could break down ceramides into syringosphene and phosphate-1. Syringosphene vs syringoshine Syringosphene is C18H36 a trans octadecene in unsaturated fat but trans fatty acid and unsaturated fats need to be omitted completely to avoid cardiovascular complications. Saturated fats should be the substitute, of that to produce syringosphene in the body, one must eliminate all vegetables and vegetable oils and eat saturated fats and animal products. Could the next development of a compound 'syringoshine' create a useful reflective surface without disturbing atometry? The growing use of Carbon-60 is concerning. C-60 is highly unstable in UV light as evidenced by the need to keep it in an opaque bottle in a cool dark place. This molecule will absorbs into every cell despite what the critics might say, but one can only deduce that this includes going into every layer of the skin meaning that the epidermis cannot now be exposed to UV light because of the production of highly unstable reactive oxygen species and free radicals leading to a potential risk of carcinogenesis throughout the body and light is transduced throughout the mitochondria. To negate the effects of C-60, one would have to eliminate the excess carbon, the easiest way cellularly is by producing CO2. This will be seen as increased respiration and increased respiratory rate. Perhaps one could train anaerobically with an Elevation Training Mask to get to VO2 max or do static VO2 ventilation training. The other way would be to use ozone therapy, the easiest of which is to drink a non alcoholic seltzer which appears to be Ozone consisting of H03-. Two oxygen molecules could be essentially free. Doctor Katy Win September 2022, Published January 22nd 2023 @ 21:03 1) Stephen D. Meriney, Erika E. Fanselow, Chapter 6 - Function of Chemical Synapses and the Quantal Theory of Transmitter Release,Editor(s): Stephen D. Meriney, Erika E. Fanselow, Synaptic Transmission, Academic Press, 2019,Pages 95-120, 2) William C. Bowman, Chapter 4 - Pharmacological manipulation of prejunctional events, Editor(s): William C. Bowman, Pharmacology of Neuromuscular Function (Second Edition),Butterworth-Heinemann, 1990, Pages 65-99, ISBN 9780723609131, ( 3) α-Latrotoxin Stimulates a Novel Pathway of Ca2+-Dependent Synaptic Exocytosis Independent of the Classical Synaptic Fusion Machinery. Ferenc Deák, Xinran Liu, Mikhail Khvotchev, Gang Li, Ege T. Kavalali, Shuzo Sugita, Thomas C. Südhof. Journal of Neuroscience 8 July 2009, 29 (27) 8639-8648; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0898-09.2009 4) Fuzhen Xia, Li Xie, Anton Mihic, Xiaodong Gao, Yi Chen, Herbert Y. Gaisano, Robert G. Tsushima, Inhibition of Cholesterol Biosynthesis Impairs Insulin Secretion and Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel Function in Pancreatic β-Cells, Endocrinology, Volume 149, Issue 10, 1 October 2008, Pages 5136–5145, 5) McGovern, M.M., Avetisyan, R., Sanson, BJ. et al. Disease manifestations and burden of illness in patients with acid sphingomyelinase deficiency (ASMD). Orphanet J Rare Dis 12, 41 (2017). 6) Poitelon Y, Kopec AM, Belin S. Myelin Fat Facts: An Overview of Lipids and Fatty Acid Metabolism. Cells. 2020 Mar 27;9(4):812. doi: 10.3390/cells9040812. PMID: 32230947; PMCID: PMC7226731. 7) Field BC, Gordillo R, Scherer PE. The Role of Ceramides in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Regulation of Ceramides by Adipokines. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Oct 2;11:569250. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.569250. PMID: 33133017; PMCID: PMC7564167.

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